Reticulated python

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Recently, a juvenile reticulated python was sighted inside IIT Madras campus.

About Reticulated python:

  • It is a member of the family Pythonidae.
  • These snakes come in a wide variety of color patterns, and many of the variations can be based on their location. 
  • It is a heavy-bodied, very long snake with a proportionately large head.
  • Like most other python species, it has heat-sensing pits.
  • The pits are deep and well-developed, located on the front upper and lower labials and the lower rear labials. 
  • This species, despite its striking color patterns, camouflage well within its environment.
  • It’s an example of disruptive coloration, a type of camouflage where the animal’s pattern helps break up the outlines of its body. This pattern helps this giant snake disappear into the brush and allows it to ambush its prey.
  • Distribution: This species has a broad range across southeastern Asia, including the Nicobar Islands, Myanmar, across to Indochina, Philippines, and Malaysia.
  • Habitat: These tropical snakes are classically associated with lowland rainforests and wetlands.
  • Conservation status

IUCN: Least concern 

Q1:What is Camouflage?

Camouflage is a set of techniques and strategies used to conceal or disguise something, typically to make it blend in with its surroundings and become less visible or recognizable.

Source: World’s longest snake species found at IIT-Madras