Myristica Swamps

1 min read
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Naturalists opinionated that Climate change and human intervention threaten the Myristica swamps of Kerala

About Myristica Swamps:

  • These are freshwater swamps predominated by members of the Myristicaceae family.
  • These forests are characterized by trees with large protruding roots jutting out of waterlogged soil which remains inundated throughout the year.
  • They have evolved over millions of years and are comprised of old-growth trees.
  • Geographical distribution: In India, these unique habitats occur in the Western Ghats and a smaller distribution exists in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Climatic conditions: The formation of these swamps is dependent on abiotic conditions like the shape of the valley between the forested hills, the amount of rainfall a place receives (with an average of 3000 mm), and water availability throughout the year.
  • Typically, Myristica swamps are seen next to rivers and help in retaining water and act as a sponge, ensuring perennial water availability.
  • These swamps are home to many vertebrate and invertebrate faunal species. This is due to stable macroecological conditions like high humidity, moderate temperature, and macrohabitat availability. 


Q1) What is a swamp?

A swamp is a type of wetland characterized by the presence of water-saturated soil and an abundance of vegetation. It is typically found in low-lying areas where water accumulates and drains slowly.

Source: World Environment Day | Climate change and human intervention threaten the Myristica swamps of Kerala