Kalka-Shimla Railway line

1 min read
Kalka-Shimla Railway line Blog Image


Heavy rain and floods in Himachal Pradesh have battered the 94-km-long Kalka-Shimla railway line, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

About Kalka-Shimla Railway line: 


  • This railway was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site on July 8, 2008.
  • It is located at an elevation of 2,152 ft above sea level in Haryana, to the capital of Himachal Pradesh, at 6,808 ft.
  • The narrow gauge “toy train” passes through 18 stations, 102 tunnels, and over 988 bridges.
  • It offers majestic views for most of the route. Passengers see breathtaking valleys, covered with pine, oak, and deodar trees.


Key facts about UNESCO

  • UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  • It is a specialized agency of the United Nations(UN).
  • The constitution, which entered into force in 1946, called for the promotion of international collaboration in education, science, and culture.
  • Headquarters: Paris, France.
  • Parent Organisation :United Nations Economic and Social Council
  • Goal: The primary goals of UNESCO are to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, and culture, and to promote sustainable development and intercultural dialogue.
  • UNESCO believes that these areas are crucial for building a more just, peaceful, and inclusive world.


Q1) What is the Economic and Social Council?

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is one of the principal organs of the United Nations (UN) responsible for promoting international economic and social cooperation and development. It was established as part of the UN Charter in 1945 and serves as a platform for member states to discuss and address a wide range of global economic, social, and environmental issues.

Source: Battered icon: The story of the Kalka-Shimla Railway, which has been devastated by the landslides in Himachal Pradesh