What is a Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan)?

1 min read
What is a Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan)? Blog Image


Over 16 lakh Digital Life Certificates, or Jeevan Pramaan, have been generated by the end of the first week of the launch of Campaign 2.0, an initiative of the Ministry of Personnel to enhance the ‘ease of living’ of Central Government pensioners across the country.

About Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan)

  • The Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners Scheme of the Government, known as Jeevan Pramaan, is a biometric-enabled digital service for pensioners.
  • It was introduced in 2014 to simplify and enhance the convenience of life certificate submissions for pensioners.
  • Purpose:
    • One of the major requisites for pensioners after their retirement from the service is to provide life certificates to authorized pension disbursing agencies like the bank, following which their pension is credited to their account.
    • In order to get this life certificate, the individual drawing the pension is required to be either personally present themselves before the Pension Disbursing Agency or to have the Life Certificate issued by authority where they have served earlier and have it delivered to the disbursing agency.
    • The Jeevan Pramaan scheme seeks to address this very problem by digitizing the whole process of securing the life certificate. 
    • Pensioners have the option to create Jeevan Pramaan, either online or via a mobile app. 
    • Using Jeevan Pramaan, a pensioner can now digitally provide proof of his/her existence to authorities for continuity of pension every year instead of requiring to appear in person before the certifying authority or the disbursing agency.
    • It employs biometric authentication to validate the pensioner’s identity, effectively preventing fraudulent activity.
  • Beneficiaries:
    • Pensioners of the Central Government, State Government, or any other Government organization can take benefit of this facility.
    • It is not available to remarried or reemployed Pensioners. They are required to submit the life certificate the conventional way to their pension disbursing authority.

Q1) What is biometric authentication?

Biometric authentication involves using some part of your physical makeup to authenticate you. This could be a fingerprint, an iris scan, a retina scan, or some other physical characteristic. A single characteristic or multiple characteristics could be used.

Source: Over 16 lakh Digital Life Certificates generated in 1st week of campaign 2.0