International Social Security Association

1 min read
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Recently, the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) bagged the “International Social Security Association’s ISSA Vision Zero 2023” Award in the recently held 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Sydney, Australia.

About International Social Security Association

  • It is the principal international institution bringing together social security agencies and organizations of the world.
  • Aim: To promote dynamic social security as the social dimension in a globalizing world by supporting excellence in social security administration.
  • It was founded in 1927 under the auspices of the International Labour Organization.
  • It has over 320 member institutions from over 160 countries.
  • Headquarters : Geneva (at the International Labour Office)
  • It provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote dynamic social security systems worldwide.
  • The vision of dynamic social security provides a framework for the ISSA's actions.
  • The Liaison Office of ISSA for South Asia is also functioning from the ESI Corporation at its headquarters.

Key facts about Employees’ State Insurance Corporation 

  • It is a statutory corporate body set up under the ESI Act 1948,
  • It is responsible for the administration of the ESI Scheme. 
  • Headquarter: New Delhi
  • Composition
    • Chairman :The Union Minister of Labour.
    • The Central Government appoints a Director General as the Chief Executive Officer of ESIC.
    • The ESIC comprises members representing crucial interest groups, including employers, employees, the Central and State Governments, representatives of the Parliament and the medical profession. 
    • Standing Committee: It is constituted from among the members of the ESIC, which acts as an executive body.
    • The Standing Committee has the power to administer the affairs of the ESIC and perform functions of the ESIC under its overall control and superintendence. 
    • The Secretary, Ministry of Labour, is the Chairman of the Standing Committee.
    • The Director General of the ESIC is also an ex-officio member of the Standing Committee.
    • The other members of the Standing Committee are nominated and elected among the members of the ESIC.
    • The nominated members include the following: 3 members of the Central and State Governments, 3 members representing employers and employees, 1 member representing Parliament and the medical profession. 

Q1) What is the Employees State Insurance (ESI) Scheme?

It is a social security scheme offered by the Government of India as per the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948. It is administered by a statutory corporate body called the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)The scheme provides protection to employees against disablement/death due to employment injury, sickness, and maternity.

Source: ESIC bags “ISSA Vision Zero 2023” Award at the 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Sydney, Australia