Indian Bisons

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Sri Lanka recently asks India to translocate 6 Indian bisons or gaurs to reintroduce them in the island after three centuries.

About Indian Bisons:

Indian Bisons are one of the largest extant bovines. It is one of the largest species among the wild cattle, reaching a shoulder height of up to 220 cm.

  • Habitat: 
    • They are found on the forested hills and grassy areas of south to south east Asia.
  • Distribution:
    • There are about 13,000 to 30,000 gaurs in the world with approximately 85% of the population present in India. It is also found in Burma and Thailand.
    • The Western Ghats in southern India constitute one of the most extensive extant strongholds of gaur, in particular in the Wayanad – Nagarhole – Mudumalai – Bandipur complex.
    • The first-ever population estimation exercise of the Indian gaur carried out in the Nilgiris Forest Division in February 2020 estimated around 2,000 Indian gaurs to be inhabiting the division.
    • The gaur is the State Animal of Goa and Bihar. 
  • Conservation:
    • It is a protected species and included in Schedule I of the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972
    • Listed as “vulnerable” in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.
    • It is listed in CITES Appendix I.

Wildlife or Zoological Diplomacy

  • It means the translocation and reintroduction of a species, particularly between neighbouring countries with similar eco-systems. It is considered as a potent tool in engaging different nations.


  • Recently India translocated cheetahs from Namibia.
  • American bison herds were supplemented with animals from Canada after the U.S. herds were almost all wiped out.
  • The U.K. has recently introduced the European bison (Wisent) after an estimated 10,000 years in June 2022.
  • Israel has for decades pursued reintroductions, including of Persian fallow deer. Arabian oryx and other species have been released into the Negev desert.
  • South Africa has recently used the export of cheetahs to other African countries as a diplomatic tool during the post-apartheid era.


Source : The Hindu