Prelims Pointers for 1-July-2024

by Vajiram & Ravi

eSankhyiki Portal

1 min read
eSankhyiki Portal Blog Image


The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has developed an eSankhyiki portal.

About eSankhyiki Portal: 

  • It provides real-time inputs for planners, policy-makers, researchers and the public at large.
  • The objective of this portal is to establish a comprehensive data management and sharing system for ease of dissemination of official statistics in the country.
  • It has two modules namely:
    • Data Catalogue Module: This module catalogues the major data assets of the Ministry at one place for ease of access.
    • It allows users to search within datasets, including within tables, and download data of interest to increase its value and re-usability.
    • The module has seven data products, namely National Accounts Statistics, Consumer Price Index,Index of Industrial Production, Annual Survey of Industries, Periodic Labour Force Survey, Household Consumption Expenditure Survey and Multiple Indicator Survey.
    • The Data Catalogue section already includes over 2291 datasets along with specific metadata and visualization for each dataset for user convenience.
    • Macro Indicators Module: This module offers time series data of key macro indicators with features for filtering and visualizing data enabling ease of access for the users.
    • The module also allows users to download custom datasets, visualizations and sharing them through APIs, thereby increasing the re-usability of data.
    • The first phase of the module includes four major products of MoSPI: National Accounts Statistics, Consumer Price Index, Index of Industrial Production, and Annual Survey of Industries, encompassing the data of last ten years. The portal currently hosts more than 1.7 million records.
  • It has officially been launched on Statistics Day.
  • The initiative is in sync with the theme of the Statistics Day- ‘Use of data for Decision making’ as ease of access of data is the prerequisite for evidence based decision making.
  • It is a user centric data portal which facilitates use and reuse of information for creating impact through value addition and analysis by the users.

Q1: What is Industrial Production (IIP)?

Industrial Production (IIP) is one of the prime indicators of economic development for the measurement of trends in the behavior of industrial production over a period of time with reference to a chosen base year.It is a short-term indicator measuring industrial growth until the actual result of detailed industrial surveys become available.

Source: The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) Launches eSankhyiki Portal for Enhanced User Experience and Ease of Data Access

Key Facts about Santhal Tribal Community Blog Image


The Prime Minister recently paid tribute to the sacrifices and bravery of the Santhal tribal community.

About Santhal Tribal Community:

  • Santhals are the third largest scheduled tribe community in India after Gonds and Bhils.
  • Their greatest concentration is in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Orissa, in the eastern part of the country. 
  • Language:
    • Their language is Santhali, a dialect of Kherwari, a Munda (Austroasiatic) language.
    • Santhali, written in OI-Chiki script, is recognised as one of the scheduled languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution.
  • The Santhals were a nomadic stockbefore they chose to settle on the Chotanagpur plateau.
  • By the end of the 18th century, they had concentrated in the Santhal Parganas ofJharkhand (earlier Bihar). From there, they migrated to Odisha and West Bengal.
  • Religion: They are nature worshippers and could be seen paying obeisance at Jaher (sacred groves) in their villages.
  • Their traditional dress includes dhoti and gamuchha for men and a short-check saree, usually blue and green, for women, who generally put on tattoos.
  • Various forms of marriage are accepted in Santhal society, including elopement, widow remarriage, levirate, forced (rare), and the one in which a man is made to marry the woman he has impregnated.
  • Divorce is not a taboo in Santhal society. Either of the couple could divorce the other.
  • Occupation:
    • Most Santhals are agriculturists, depending on their farmlands or forests.
    • Seasonal forest collection is one of the important sources of their subsidiary income.
  • Dance (enej) and music (sereng) are integral parts of the Santal life.
  • Their homes, called Olah, have a particular three-colour patternon the outer walls. The bottom portion is painted with black soil, the middle with white, and the upper with red.
  • Santhal Rebellion (1855-56):
    • The Santhal uprising, one of the most noted events of revolt against the British Raj, took place in 1855 and 1857.
    • This was India’s first major peasant uprising fueled by the implementation of the Permanent Land Settlement in 1793.
    • It was led by Sido and Kanhu and covered the regions of Bihar..

Q1: Who are Gonds?

The Gonds are the largest Adivasi Community in India and can be traced to the pre-Aryan era. The word Gond comes from Kond, which means green mountains. They are a heterogeneous group spreading over large areas from the Godavari gorges in the south to the Vindhya Mountains in the north. They live in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Odisha. The majority speak various mutually unintelligible dialects of Gondi.

Source: PM Modi pays tribute to Santhal freedom fighters

What is Project-76? Blog Image


The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has taken up a preliminary study on the design and development of an indigenous conventional submarine under Project-76.

About Project-76:

  • Under Project 76, the Warship Design Bureau of the Indian Navy is working on designing and developing the country’s first indigenously conventional diesel-electric submarine
  • The Indian Navy wants to build 12 submarines under Project 76. 
  • Envisioned as air-independent propulsion (AIP)-equipped diesel-electric attack submarines, these submarines, expected to have a submerged displacement of 3,000 tons, represent a leap beyond their foreign-designed predecessors like Project-751 (India) and Project-75 submarines. 
  • It aims to succeed the renowned Sindhughosh (Kilo) class, emphasizing the Navy’s commitment to maintaining a robust 3,000-ton class of submarines.
  • It is expected to feature some of the most advance features such as, indigenous Weapon Control system and Lithium-ion batteries. 
  • It represents a pivotal milestone in India’s pursuit of maritime supremacy, amalgamating top-tier French technology from Project 75 and the expertise of German/Spanish collaboration from Project 751 (India). 
  • The objective is to initiate the construction of the prototype by 2028.
  • This undertaking holds immense significance for India’s submarine-building capabilities, aiming to reduce reliance on foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for submarine design.

Q1: What is the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)?

DRDO is the R&D wing of Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, with a vision to empower India with cutting-edge defence technologies and a mission to achieve self-reliance in critical defence technologies and systems, while equipping our armed forces with state-of-the-art weapon systems and equipment in accordance with requirements laid down by the three Services. DRDO was formed in 1958 by merging the then-existing Technical Development Establishment (TDEs) of the Indian Army and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production (DTDP) with the Defence Science Organisation (DSO).

Source: DRDO takes up preliminary study on development of indigenous conventional submarine

Minami-Torishima Island Blog Image


Researchers recently found a motherlode of around 230 million metric tons of minerals crucial to making electric car batteries on the seabed off Minami-Torishima Island.

About Minami-Torishima Island:

  • Minami-Torishima Island, also known as Marcus Island, is an isolated Japanese coral atoll in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
  • It is the easternmost territory belonging to Japan and the only Japanese territory on the Pacific Plate, past the Japan Trench. It lies 1,950 km southeast of central Tokyo.
  • The shape of the island is close to an equilateral triangle.
  • It's formed by a raised coral reef, which is about 2 km on each side and 6 km around.
  • The terrain is flat, with a maximum altitude of 9 m, but outside of the reef is a steep cliff that's about 1,000 m deep, and the surrounding waters go down to about 6,000 m at their deepest.
  • Climate: Located in the transitional zone between tropical and subtropical climates, the Island has an oceanic climate with an average annual temperature of around 25.6 °C.
  • The exclusive economic zone based on the baseline of the Minami torishima Island is some 430,000 km2, larger than Japan’s land area.

Q1: What is an atoll?

An atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef, island, or series of islets. An atoll surrounds a body of water called a lagoon. Sometimes, atolls and lagoons protect a central island. Channels between islets connect a lagoon to the open ocean or sea.

Source: Japan found enough minerals off a remote Pacific island to fuel its EV plans for over a decade

What is Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM)? Blog Image


Recently, South Korea reported its first case of the rare yet fatal infection - Naegleria fowleri or “brain-eating amoeba”.

About Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM):

  • It is a rare, usually fatal, infection of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
  • It is caused by a type of free-living amoeba (a microscopic, single-celled organism) called Naegleria fowleri.
    • Naegleria fowleri occurs in shallow surface waters and incorrectly maintained swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas, particularly in warm climates.
    • The amebas can enter the brain through the nose when people swim in contaminated warm, fresh water.
    • The amoeba then invades the brainand meninges through the nose.
  • Symptoms:
    • Symptoms, which include fever, headache, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, typically appear within five days of infection and progress rapidly.
    • In the later stages, one can suffer from a stiff neck, seizures, hallucinations, and even coma.
  • Treatment:
    • There are no standard treatments for the treatment of PAM.
    • Combination therapy using medicines to treat parasites offers the most promise.
  • PAM differs from granulomatous amebic encephalitis, which is another very rare, usually fatal infection of the central nervous system caused by different free-living amebas, Acanthamoeba species or Balamuthia mandrillaris.

Q1: What is amoeba?

It is a generic term used to refer to a group of single-celled organisms belonging to the biological kingdom Protista. Amoebas are eukaryotic microorganisms that are characterized by their ability to change shape and move using pseudopods, which are temporary extensions of the cell membrane. 

Source: Kerala govt issues warning against amoebic meningoencephalitis: Know what it is

INS Ranvir Blog Image


Recently, the Indian Naval Ship INS Ranvir, of the Eastern Fleet under the aegis of the Eastern Naval Command arrived at Chattogram, Bangladesh as part of an Operational Deployment.

About INS Ranvir: 

  • It is a Rajput Class Guided Missile Destroyer which has undergone upgrade with state of art weapons and sensors, majority being indigenous.
  • It is the fourth of the five Rajput-class destroyers built for the Indian Navy which was commissioned on 28 October 1986.
  • During this visit, personnel from the Indian and Bangladesh navies will engage in a wide range of professional interactions including Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE), cross-deck visits, community outreach and friendly sports fixtures.
  • On completion of harbour phase, INS Ranvir will participate in a Maritime Partnership Exercise (MPX)/ PASSEX with ships of the Bangladesh Navy.
  • Significance of the visit: It will further strengthen the longstanding friendship, cooperation as also the robust interoperability between both nations through a series of engagements and activities aligned with Government of India’s focus on Security and Growth for All in the Region(SAGAR).

What is the SAGAR Initiative?

  • It is an Indian foreign policy doctrine that was introduced in 2015.
  • The aim of SAGAR is to enhance cooperation and mutual trust between India and its neighbouring countries, particularly in the Indian Ocean region.

The SAGAR policy has several components, including ensuring maritime security and safety, promoting sustainable development and economic growth, and strengthening cultural and people-to-people ties between nations.

Q1: What is the Indian Ocean Rim Association?

Indian Ocean Rim Association was established in 1997 as an intergovernmental organisation of States on the rim of the Indian Ocean.It has members from Africa, West Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia , Europe and Oceania.


Snowblind malware Blog Image


A new banking malware called ‘Snowblind’ is targeting Android users to steal banking credentials.

About Snowblind malware: 

  • It is a new Android malware that uses a built-in Android security feature to bypass anti-tamper mechanisms and steal banking credentials.
  • This malware exploits a built-in security feature to bypass anti-tamper protection in apps handling sensitive information.
  • It works by repacking an app so it is unable to detect the use of accessibility features that can be used to extract sensitive information like login credentials and get remote access to the app.
  • It exploits a feature called ‘seccomp’, which stands for ‘secure computing’.
    • It is part of the underlying Linux kernel and the Android operating system and is used to check applications for signs of tampering.
  • The security firm discovered that Snowblind injects a piece of code that loads before seccomp initialises the anti-tampering measures. This enables the malware to bypass security mechanisms and utilize accessibility services to remotely view the victim’s screen.
  • Snowblind can also disable biometric and two-factor authentication, two security features commonly used by banking apps to thwart unauthorised access. Like typical Android malware, Snowblind infects users who install apps from untrusted sources.

While the security firm was unable to identify how many devices are affected by the new malware, it says that Snowblind is mostly active in Southeast Asia.

Q1: What is the Raccoon Stealer?

Raccoon Stealer is a kind of malware that steals various data from an infected computer. It is a classic example of information-stealing malware, which cybercriminals typically use to gain possession of sensitive data saved in users’ browsers and cryptocurrency wallets.

Source: Snowblind malware uses an Android security feature to bypass security

European Council Blog Image


Recently, the Prime Minister of India congratulated H.E António Costa on being elected as next President of the European Council.

About European Council: 

  • It is the European Union’s institution that defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union.
  • It was created as an informal forum in 1974 for discussion between heads of state or government of the EU member states.
  • Treaty of Maastricht: Under this treaty the European Council acquired a formal status and role to provide the impetus and general political guidelines for the EU.
  • Members: The members of the European Council are the heads of state or government of the 27 EU member states, the European Council President and the President of the European Commission.
  • It usually meets 4 times a year – but the President can convene additional meetings to address urgent issues.
  • It generally decides issues by consensus – but by unanimity or qualified majority in some cases. Only the heads of state/government can vote.
  • What are the functions?
    • It decides on the EU's overall direction and political priorities – but does not pass laws.
    • It deals with complex or sensitive issues that cannot be resolved at lower levels of intergovernmental cooperation
    • It sets the EU's common foreign & security policy, taking into account EU strategic interests and defence implications
    • It nominates and appoints candidates to certain high profile EU level roles, such as the ECB and the Commission
  • Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium.

 Q1: What is the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)?

European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1960 by the Stockholm Convention.It promotes free trade and economic integration between its members within Europe and globally.

Source: Prime Minister congratulates H.E António Costa on being elected as President of the European Council

What is Nova Explosion? Blog Image


Global professionals and amateur astronomers are waiting for an once-in-a-lifetime nova explosion which will occur in September, 3,000 light-years from the Earth.

About Nova Explosion: 

  • It is the dramatic instance of a star exploding as it interacts with another, nearby star.
  • It’s a one of many, repeated moments during the long, slow, death of two neighboring stars in the same system.
  • Astronomers are waiting for the fiery explosion of T Coronae Borealis, also dubbed the “Blaze Star” and known to astronomers as “T CrB”.
    • For T CrB, this nova event happens roughly every 80 years — it's like Halley’s Comet event every 76 years — so, astronomers call T CrB a “recurrent” nova.
    • They believe T CrB’s prior eruptions were observed as long ago was December 1787 and even in October 1217 AD.
    • When T CrB erupts, its luminosity will increase dramatically, making it visible to the naked eye for several days.
  • Process
    • The system contains two stars — a white dwarf and a red giant.
    • The white dwarf is an incredibly dense remnant of a once larger star. It’s about the size of planet Earth but with the same mass as our sun.
    • Its neighbor, the red giant, is in its final years of existence and is slowly being stripped of hydrogen by the gravitational pull of the denser white dwarf.
    • This star “cannibalism” causes a tremendous buildup of pressure and heat, which eventually triggers a huge thermonuclear explosion.
    • The explosion doesn’t completely destroy the stars, however, and so this event repeats over time. It can carry on for hundreds of thousands of years.
    • Different nova events have different cycles, ranging from a few years to hundreds of thousands of years.

Q1: What is a white dwarf ?

It is the stellar core left behind after a dying star has exhausted its nuclear fuel and expelled its outer layers to form a planetary nebula. It is what stars like the Sun become after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel.

Source: How to see the September 2024 nova explosion without a telescope