Blue whale

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Recently, the carcass of a blue whale washed ashore at Meghavaram beach of Santabommali mandal in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.

About Blue whale: 


  • Blue whales are the largest animals ever to live on our planet.
  • Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment.
  • Habitat: They are found in all oceans except the Arctic Ocean.
  • They generally migrate seasonally between summer feeding grounds and winter breeding grounds
  • Lifespan: The average lifespan is estimated at around 80 to 90 years. Scientists can estimate the age of whales by counting the layers of wax-like earplugs collected from deceased animals.
  • Behaviour and Diet
    • They sometimes swim in small groups but are more often found alone or in pairs.
    • They generally spend summers feeding in polar waters and undertake lengthy migrations towards the equatorial waters as winter arrives.
    • The primary diet whale is krill—tiny shrimp-like animals, but fish and copepods (tiny crustaceans) may occasionally be part of the blue whale’s diet.
  • Conservation Status
    • IUCN: Endangered


Q1) What are charactertistics of Mammals?

All mammals have mammary glands, which are specialized organs that produce milk to nourish their young. The word "mammal" is derived from "mamma," meaning breast or teat.Mammals typically have hair or fur covering their bodies, although some species may have very little or no hair.

Source: Andhra Pradesh: Carcass of blue whale washes ashore at Meghavaram beach in Srikakulam district